
Our Services


Acupuncture services are offered at our Lake Geneva office by Dr. Terri Schreiner and at our Walworth office by Dr. Kelly Roy. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that may be used alone or in conjunction with Western medicine. Dr. Schreiner has found that it works well in patients who have trouble handling or cannot use pharmaceutical therapy. Both dogs and cats have benefited from the use of acupuncture.

Acupuncture involves using thin needles to stimulate the energy flow within the body. The basis of acupuncture is to regulate this flow of energy and maintain Chi throughout the body. Acupuncture medicine has been used for thousands of years and is often combined with herbal therapy to achieve improved results.

Commonly 10-20 microneedles are placed throughout the body based on the condition being treated. The animals then relax with their owners for 15-30 minutes with the needles in their bodies. Some neurologic and arthritic conditions also benefit from electrostimulation of the needles (similar to a TENS machine commonly used by physical therapists).

More often than not, the patients tolerate the treatment very well and are happy to return for another treatment. The number of visits necessary varies on the conditions. Most neurologic and arthritic conditions require 4-6 visits (weekly or twice weekly) initially and then follow-ups depending on the progress of the patient.

Conditions that we often treat with acupuncture include:

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
  • Arthritis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Seizures
  • Skin allergies
  • Supportive care for cancer treatment
  • Endocrine disorders

Cancer Treatment

Although many people hear the word “cancer” or “chemotherapy” and think about the worst-case scenario, there are many safe options and advancements in veterinary oncology. Dr. Welch and the staff at Lake Geneva Animal Hospital have experience and insight to help clients make a treatment plan that is best suited for their pets.

Chemotherapy is a broad term that is used to describe drugs that are toxic to cancer cells. Some chemotherapeutic drugs are administered orally as pills or capsules and some chemo drugs are given through injections. While the safety margin in some drugs is quite narrow, these drugs have been used very safely in pets and quite often are very effective in the management of cancer. Dr. Welch’s extensive experience providing cancer care has resulted in focused safety for both clients and their pets. Dogs and cats both will generally handle chemo drugs with little to no side effects.

There are many different types of cancer in both people and pets. While many cancers are similar in people and pets, the treatment options often can vary greatly. Some types of cancer respond very well to chemotherapy or radiation therapy while some other types do not respond well. Certain cancers such as lymphoma, certain types of leukemia, and mast cell tumors will often respond very well to chemotherapy. It is important to consult with a veterinarian that feels qualified and comfortable discussing treatment options for each individual patient.

We have recently incorporated the use of autologous cancer vaccines to help extend the quality of life and comfort of our veterinary patients. Some tumors are able to be harvested and turned into a vaccine that can be given to your pet for tailored cancer treatment.

At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital we take a team approach to managing cancer patients. All of our veterinarians bring their own area of expertise to your pet’s treatment. From the initial diagnosis, chemotherapy, surgical intervention, pain control, and nutritional support to palliative and end-of-life considerations, we draw from the extensive knowledge of our entire team to provide your pet with the best quality of life they can possibly have.

Dermatology/allergy Treatment

The skin is the largest organ of the body in dogs and cats. It serves to protect our pets from environmental insults and performs a multitude of functions to optimize overall health and comfort. Unfortunately, it is also susceptible to disease arising from parasites, food allergies, inhalant/seasonal allergies, immune-mediated disorders, chemicals, cancer, and underlying systemic illness. Skin issues are one of the most common and frustrating concerns for owners. Signs of skin disease include itching, ear infections, paw licking, fur loss, redness, open wounds, swelling, and odor.

At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital, our doctors take a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and managing skin disease. A thorough history and physical exam can help guide our choice of diagnostics which may include:

  • Cytology preparations to check for bacterial and yeast overgrowth and abnormal cells
  • Skin scrapings to look for parasitic invaders
  • Cultures to identify precise bacterial and/or fungal organisms
  • Skin biopsies to submit to a pathologist for tissue analysis
  • Screening bloodwork and further tests to evaluate for underlying systemic disease
  • Serum allergy testing to guide immunotherapy (traditional “allergy shots”)

Once a cause of your pet’s skin disease is identified, we can institute therapy to help manage the symptoms and heal the skin. We offer a variety of treatments and often use a multi-modal approach to managing skin disease. Preferably, the treatments can be dietary or topical in nature to help reduce systemic side-effects. Current options include:

  • Limited-ingredient diet trials
  • Whole food supplements and Omega-3 fatty acid supplements
  • Topicals such as shampoos, foams, and ointments that help control microbial overgrowth and help repair the skin’s natural barriers
  • Antihistamines
  • Steroids
  • Apoquel and Atopica (non-steroidal immune modulators)
  • Cytopoint allergy injections (antibody to block the itching cascade)
  • Immunotherapy allergy injections
  • Cold laser treatment to assist the body in its healing processes

Laboratory Services

At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital, we use both in-house and outside laboratories. Our in-house lab allows us to run the vast majority of samples immediately after collection. Sick animals benefit greatly from this quick turn-around allowing faster diagnosis and more accurate treatment. Our technicians and veterinarians are highly trained to prepare and evaluate a wide variety of laboratory tests. Any lab work that cannot be done in-house is picked up that night by a courier, taken to a reference laboratory, and most results are faxed the next day.

In-house laboratory testing available includes:

  • Bloodwork (CBC, blood chemistry, and electrolytes)
  • Heartworm, Lyme disease, Ehrlichman, and anaplasmosis screening
  • FeLV and FIV screening
  • Fecal analysis
  • Urinalysis with IDEXX SediVue analyzer
  • Ear and skin cytology
  • Ocular cytology
  • Mass/tumor cytology
  • Abdominal and thoracic fluid analysis

Digital Radiography

Lake Geneva Animal Hospital uses digital radiography to quickly attain highly detailed images. The system uses no x-ray film like in the past. This has been a huge leap forward in x-ray technology with images that are much clearer than anything before. Because the images are produced almost instantaneously, your pet also spends less time in the radiology room. The images can be enlarged and manipulated to see great detail as well as instantly sent to other veterinarians for consultation or directly to the client. In addition, the system no longer uses the harsh chemicals and silver of film x-rays and is much safer for the environment.

Laser Therapy

Your pets are part of your family and you want them to have the best quality of life possible. Laser therapy can help achieve that goal. Lake Geneva Animal Hospital has added MLS laser to our lineup of medical technology and the results are incredible! MLS Laser Therapy, the most advanced laser therapy on the market, uses light to quickly relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and speed healing.

The laser beam is moved over the skin so that the light energy (photons) penetrates the tissue where it interacts with various molecules (chromophores) that cause photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical effects. Reduction of response times, and therefore overall treatment times, distinguishes MLS Laser Therapy from traditional laser therapy. Results have often been seen after the first treatment. Most conditions have protocols that range from 6 to 10 treatments.

The treatments are cumulative and are delivered 2-3 times per week for 2-3 weeks. Ten benefits of MLS Laser Therapy for pets are anti-inflammatory effect, analgesic (pain relief) effect, accelerated tissue repair and cell growth, improved vascular activity, increases metabolic activity, stimulation of trigger points and acupuncture points, reduced fibrous tissue formation, improved nerve function, immunoregulation, and faster wound healing.

The most common conditions we use MLS Laser Therapy for include:

  • Arthritis
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)
  • Soft tissue/muscle strains and sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • Wounds
  • Post-surgical pain and swelling
  • Otitis (ear infections/inflammation)
  • Lick granulomas

Talk with our veterinarians to determine if laser therapy can help improve quality of life for your pet.


Lake Geneva Animal Hospital is well-equipped to handle most ocular emergencies and chronic eye problems. Our ophthalmic exams include an overall evaluation of your pet’s current status and health history. Eye problems are often severely painful and can also be a sign of other underlying systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, fungal infections, and kidney failure.

Our advanced laboratory testing can readily test for these diseases. Dr. Mona Hodkiewicz and Dr. Terri Schreiner perform the majority of our ophthalmic care for dogs, cats, and other small mammals. We work with local board-certified veterinary ophthalmologists who can provide advanced specialty care such as cataract-removal surgery, luxated lens removal surgery, and severe eyelid abnormalities. They can also provide CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) exams to help reduce heritable ocular abnormalities in breeding animals.

Diagnostic procedures we commonly perform at Lake Geneva Animal Hospital include:

  • Tonometry (non-invasive eye pressure testing)
  • Fluorescein staining to detect corneal ulcers
  • Schirmer tear testing for dry eye
  • Corneal and conjunctival cytology and microbial evaluation
  • Retinal exams to help diagnosis detachments and underlying systemic diseases

Ophthalmic conditions we commonly diagnose and manage include:

  • Corneal ulcers, including non-complicated, infected, and non-healing
  • Glaucoma
  • Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS or “dry eye”)
  • Uveitis (inflammation inside of the eye)
  • Canine diabetic ocular complications
  • Eyelid mass removals both surgically and with cryotherapy
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Proptosis (displacement of the eye outside of the eyelids)
  • Intraocular tumor evaluation by enucleation (eye removal)
  • Prolapsed gland of the third eyelid (“cherry eye”)
  • Entropion (abnormal eyelid rolling)
  • Household and environmental management of blind and low-vision pets

Preventative Medicine

Sharing your life with a beloved pet is truly one of life’s most enjoyable experiences. From the time your pet is a puppy or a kitten or you adopt your new family member until they cross the rainbow bridge, the doctors and staff at Lake Geneva Animal Hospital strive to provide the best care for your best friend.

Puppy, kitten, and new older patient visits start with a thorough history and physical exam. We then discuss any health or behavior concerns, breed-related issues, and lifestyle concerns that may influence your pet’s care. We are strong believers in preventive medicine and can tailor vaccine protocols (including titer testing), parasite prevention, nutritional concerns, and exercise recommendations to each individual pet. Surgical procedures such as spays, neuters, and prophylactic gastropexies are discussed to determine the most appropriate time and procedure for each animal. We incorporate both traditional western medicine and integrative medicine to offer the most well-rounded health care to your pet.

Stem Cell Therapy

Dr. Welch has performed a number of stem cell therapy treatments, providing relief for pets in pain with powerful healing cells. Innovated by MediVet, this advanced stem cell therapy uses your pet’s own stem cells for treatment. There are no ethical or moral concerns with the use of stem cells from one’s own body as these cells are adult and not embryonic. With this technological advancement, we are using the body’s own regenerative capabilities.

How it works:
Stem cells are powerful healing cells in your pet’s body that can become other types of cells. There are many adult stem cells in fat tissue, however, they are asleep. Stem cell therapy allows us to isolate stem cells from your animal’s own (autologous) fat tissue, wake them up, and reintroduce them directly into damaged areas. For example, in the case of arthritis, stem cells can become new cartilage cells and have natural anti-inflammatory properties, thus reducing pain and increasing mobility.
Stem Cell Therapy has been shown to provide about 18-24 months of relief after the initial treatment, and even longer when treatment is sought at earlier stages. Most pet owners choose to bank cells, so re-treatment is easy and cost-effective. If symptoms return, we retrieve a dose of cells from the bank and inject them. No surgery is necessary.

This treatment has been used to relieve osteoarthritis (hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, calcifications, common degeneration, and inflammation), soft tissue injuries (cruciate injuries, tears, ruptures, inflammation), or for accelerated fracture healing.

We also treat other cases under “compassionate use.” We know less about these conditions but are seeing some exciting results. Some of these conditions are degenerative myelopathy, feline gingivitis, end-stage renal disease, liver and kidney failure, allergy, auto-immune, inflammatory bowel disease, pulmonary fibrosis, IMHA, atopy, and spine trauma.

For more information, visit MediVet Biologics.

Surgery - Orthopedic

Dr. Scot Hodkiewicz has developed a special interest in orthopedic surgery and has extensive knowledge of the causes, diagnosis, surgery, and management of orthopedic conditions. He is trained in most orthopedic procedures including cruciate ligament repair, fracture repair, hip surgery, and arthroscopic joint surgery.

Learn More

Surgery - Specialty Soft Tissue

Lake Geneva Animal Hospital performs most specialty surgeries once only found at referral-type veterinary hospitals. We are constantly implementing new techniques and procedures to stay on the cutting edge of veterinary medicine.

Learn More

Dental Care

According to the American Veterinary Dental College, more than 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have dental disease by the age of 3. Dental disease can be very uncomfortable for pets and the longer it is left untreated, the more complicated and expensive it becomes to treat. Furthermore, improper care of your pet's teeth can often be the cause of serious illness. If left untreated, dental problems can lead to larger systemic problems in your pet due to oral bacteria entering the bloodstream and damaging the kidneys, heart and liver.

If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, please make an appointment immediately:
  • Yellow or brown buildup (tartar) on the teeth
  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Changes in eating or chewing habits
  • Pawing at the face
  • Loose teeth
  • Depression
Oral Exams: Proper dental care is one of the easiest ways to protect your pet’s health and keep them pain-free. During your pet’s oral exam, we will examine your pet’s mouth, teeth, and jaw. We may recommend x-rays to assess the health of your pet’s tooth roots, as well. Regular oral exams, help prevent irreversible dental disease, tooth loss, and possibly expensive oral surgery.

Teeth Cleanings: Your pet's dental cleaning will begin with a physical examination so that we can evaluate your pet's general health. After the physical exam, your pet will be given an anesthetic for a safe and painless teeth cleaning since most dental disease starts below the gumline. The first part of dental cleaning requires the removal of tartar using a hand scaler. Next, an ultrasonic scaler is used to clean above the gum line while a curette cleans and smooths the teeth under the gum line in the crevice between the teeth and gums. Then your pet's teeth are polished, and the gums are washed with an anti-bacterial solution to help delay tartar build-up.

Extractions and Advanced Procedures: Our veterinarians will only recommend tooth extractions if we believe it is necessary for your pet’s wellbeing. We usually recommend this when we identify that your pet has an infected or broken tooth that is likely causing them pain. In the case that we recommend a tooth extraction, we will discuss what this means for your pet and how to properly care for them while they’re healing.

How To Prevent Dental Disease Before It Begins: Regular wellness visits allow us to check your pet’s mouth and teeth and identify issues before they progress. Additionally, at-home dental care, including regularly brushing your pet’s teeth and using teeth cleaning treats, can prevent plaque from building up. Lastly, avoid hard toys and bones that can potentially damage your pet’s teeth.

Diet and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to keep your pet healthy. At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital, we offer individualized nutrition counseling and customize a recommendation for your unique pet. Our doctors will perform a thorough body-condition evaluation during every physical examination and can give nutritional recommendations based on what we see. We can also provide you with important information on proper serving size, nutrient needs, and feeding strategies for your individual pet.

End of Life Care

We understand that regardless of the situation, saying goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the most difficult situations a pet owner will ever make. Our staff of compassionate, caring professionals can help you through this painful experience. We will work with you to ensure your pet's comfort and dignity during their last days and final moments. We are happy to accommodate special requests and help you make arrangements for cremation or other options. Sedation will be administered prior to performing the euthanasia to ensure your pet is at ease. We are here to help you through this transition and make this process easier for you.


Microchipping is the most effective means of identification for your pet. Like vaccinations, microchipping is safe, quick and causes little pain. We always recommend that an ID tag be attached to your pet's collar, but the microchip will serve as an extra layer of protection if an accident does occur. Most veterinary hospitals and shelters are equipped with a handheld microchip scanner that can be used to check for a chip. If the pet has one, it will transmit its ID number to the scanner via a low-frequency radio wave. From there, they can retrieve the pet owner’s contact information from the manufacturer and call the owner.

Parasite Prevention and Control

Parasites can pose a variety of health concerns for your pets and your family, but we can help you develop a prevention routine to keep everyone safe. At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital, we recommend keeping your pets on year-round prevention to stop pests before they become a problem.

Common parasites include fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal worms. During your pet’s annual exam, we will test your pet for parasites with a thorough physical exam, a fecal test, and a blood test. Even if your pet is on year-round prevention, annual tests are still extremely important to detect parasites even if you aren’t seeing any symptoms.

Our knowledgeable healthcare team will help you develop a prevention plan that fits your lifestyle. You can keep your pets safe with either monthly oral medication or topical treatments. We will discuss what method can most effectively address your family’s needs.


We maintain a fully stocked pharmacy to fill your pet’s prescription needs quickly and conveniently. We also encourage you to browse our online pharmacy for convenient delivery and additional products.

Puppy and Kitten Care

The dedicated team at Lake Geneva Animal Hospital is here to help you ensure your puppy or kitten gets off to the best start possible. Make sure to schedule your new pet’s first appointment within the first few weeks of bringing them home. The initial visit provides us an opportunity to meet and offers you a chance to ask questions. We strive to address any concerns you may have about owning a puppy or kitten and teach you the best ways to care for your new family member. This is a special time for you and your pet, and we want to ensure you feel supported in this transition. Our comprehensive approach addresses your pet’s needs from vaccinations to a proper diet. During your pet’s first visit we will conduct a physical exam, develop a vaccine schedule, discuss your pet’s diet, and develop a parasite prevention plan. We will also discuss the importance of getting your pet spayed or neutered and microchipped.

Senior Pet Care

As pets age, their needs change. Pets over the age of 7 are more susceptible to diseases and heal more slowly, however, with proper care you can help your pet live a longer, happier life. Our team at Lake Geneva Animal Hospital can help you navigate your pet’s senior years with you. We do recommend more frequent wellness exams which will help us detect problems before they become advanced. Additionally, we may recommend changes to your pet’s diet, exercise, and other aspects of their healthcare as they mature. It can be very difficult to detect when your pet is in pain, but there are some signs that they may be experiencing discomfort in their older years. If you notice any of the following, your pet may be in pain:
  • Difficulty getting up, easing into a comfortable position or limping.
  • Fatigue, including decreased stamina on walks.
  • Reluctance to be groomed, picked up or touched in certain areas.
  • Urinary or fecal accidents
If any of these behaviors begin to occur, visit us so a source of the pain can be identified, and treatment can begin.

Urgent Care

We focus on keeping your pet happy and healthy. Unfortunately, pets occasionally experience an illness or injury that requires urgent care. Our clinic is equipped to handle urgent care during hospital hours, schedule permitting. If your pet has an emergency outside of our hours, we encourage you to contact:

BluePearl Pet Hospital
9472 S 27th St, Oak Creek, WI 53154
(414) 761-6333


Vaccinations are an essential part of your pet’s health care plan starting from the time they are very young. Pets should begin their vaccinations between 6 and 12 weeks of age and require boosters throughout their life. Many common diseases can easily be prevented by vaccinating your pet.

Core vaccines, or essential vaccines, for canines include rabies and DAPP. Core vaccines for felines include rabies and FVRCP. Depending on your geographical area and pet’s exposure, you may also consider optional, non-core vaccines. Noncore vaccines for canines include leptospirosis, bordetella, parainfluenza, lyme disease and canine influenza. Noncore vaccines for felines include feline leukemia.

At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital we’ll help you create a vaccine schedule appropriate for your pet’s age, breed, lifestyle, and environment. We will also review any possible side effects of your pet’s vaccinations and how to address them.

Wellness Care

At Lake Geneva Animal Hospital we recommend regular comprehensive wellness exams from the time pets are young. Wellness exams are a critical part of your pet’s healthcare routine regardless of size, breed, or age. Routine wellness exams are important to maintain your pet’s wellbeing and detect any medical issues before they progress. During your pet’s exam, we will assess their overall body condition, eyes, ears, mouth, internal organs and systems, skin and much more. We will also discuss any other recommended services, such as dental cleanings or diagnostic testing. If any areas of concern are identified during your pet’s exam, we will develop a treatment plan together.